frequently asked questions
What is Emunocare?
Pronounced as Immuno care we are an artificial intelligence powered and a data science centered technology focusing on strengthening of human immune system.
How about something noteworthy?
So what are we trying to sell?
Are we? Definitely not! Our priority is to simplify the lives of users by
1) saving their precious time
2) adding value through our unique offerings
3) providing support to be in the best of health.
We charge a nominal fee based upon the plans selected for simplifying and adding value to the users. For details please refer to our services.
Is emunocare another "me too" Healthcare site/app?
Absolutely not! We are different as our area of focus is completely unique and is the first of its kind. To make it easier we have listed out some of our achievements in Accomplishments.
Our vision is to make healthcare, immune care & the related care services affordable and available to everyone. Its designed with our core philosophy of CARE FOR EVERYONE.
How to register, create and login to the emunocare account?
in order to make the user experience better and more secured we have provided the login /sign up through our mobile application listed on google play store ( Launching soon ). Any user with a valid email address, phone number can sign up and create a free account with us.
How can i Login?
Apart from the email address and phone number a user can also make use of login through facebook and Google to create and access the profile. We highly recommend you to set a strong password and do not share it with anyone.
When will the mobile app be launched?
We are glad to get a good number of queries asking about the launch of the app. Appreciate your eagerness! Nevertheless the wait is over as we are all set to launch our android app soon. For more info please visit News
Is it possible to measure the immunity of person?
The simple answer is No! Its due to the complexity involved.
What about the sites/apps claiming to measure the immunity of a person?
Unlike sugar, blood pressure , pulse, heart rate, lever or kidney function the immunity of a human cannot be measured. If a site/app claims to measure or to instantly boost your immunity then its a well planned marketing strategy to sell the products/services.
Do immune boosters really strengthen immune system?
There’s no such thing as a quick resolution as far as the boosting of immune system is concerned. However the balanced & good nutrition is needed to support the immune system's varied
functions and this is achieved over time by adopting a healthy life style. This is supported by a various key factors. Moreover this is very individual-specific and may not work for everyone.
Does gut/tract health affect immune system?
Yes, It does! A majority of our immune system is in the GI ( Gastrointestinal) tract. The gut has trillions of live microorganisms ( about 100 trillion) that help in the Normal function, infection protection and regulating metabolism.
Do you want us to make it simple?
Why not? Well focus on the digestion and your body will reward you by making you healthy most of the time. Its been known since ages ( being highlighted and marketed nowadays) that if digestion works well & does its function smoothly/normally then you can stay away from most of the diseases.
Is it fine to take the gut health boosting supplements ?
Pre or Probiotcs work better if consumed in the natural form! Emunocare suggests not to go by the advertisements and consume any supplements under the guidance or supervision of a medical practitioner or a certified professional.
Do health supplements boost my immunity?
This is very individual-specific and requires a customized answer. Its better to have a balanced immune system as too much of an immune response is just as bad as too little. The nutritional supplements such as vitamins or Herbal taken to boost the immune system don't have any effect or may have little effect on your immune response if you are healthy. Emunocare advises you to take the supplements under the guidance of a qualified physician or a certified professional.
Does it mean that the supplements are of no use?
Definitely not if consumed under the guidance of OR as per the prescription of a qualified physician or a certified professional. Let the food be your medicine, not medicine be your food!
How does emunocare help to develop a balanced immune system?
Our proprietary application helps you to gain an understanding of how
well your immune system is working. The application does an analysis
based on the input provided through the smart questionnaire ( SQ) and
coupled with emuno identifiers ( EI) to give an insight of the immunity. To summarize our focus is to make it more balanced by creating stronger and healthier system.
Does the report provide an accurate understanding of immune system?
The application does an analysis
based on the input provided through the smart questionnaire ( SQ) and
gives an insight of the immunity. Needless to say that it provides a good understanding of the general condition of the body when co related with emuno identifiers (EI). However our artificial intelligence powered and data driven application uses a test based analysis to provide a better understanding of immune functioning. For more details refer to coming soon.
What is Immunity Check?
What is emuno health?
Pronounced as immuno health, it provides an understanding of how is the general condition of your body, its disease fighting ability & the solution to stay away from diseases.
Who are emuno specialists?
Pronounced as immuno specialists to help you out with the personalized and customized care in order to be in the best of your health. Its an on demand service and can be availed depending upon the availability of the experts.
Is emunossurance another insurance OR an insure tech firm?
No! We are not! Moreover we don't want to be.
So what is emunossurance?
Its a combination of immune care coupled with a cost effective and the relevant health insurance offered through a certified online insurance advisor/partner.
Can we manage and stay away from the diseases?
Of course! we can! Infectious, deficiency, Hereditary OR psychological/Mental diseases we have the management solutions through our trusted partners.
Pay based on the value added! Sounds Interesting? It is! Emunocare offers the value for your money in the form of one of the best services.
Some of us need a continous of care and monitoring for acute ( short term ) and long term diseases.
Our Priority is to improve the quality of life by providing patients relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness.
interested in knowing more about our on demand care services? Then mail us at
services and availability
Do the services available all over India?
Our completely revamped offerings will be available all over India/Global is coming soon ( in the selected parts of Bengaluru to begin with) through our android mobile app while the on demand services are available only in Bengaluru. However the on demand services can be availed based upon the availability and the need.
List out the flagship, On Demand and other services.
Flagship: emuno basic and emuno starter are available all over India
On Demand: emunossurance
On Demand: emuno intelligence, emuno care and emuno health are available in Bengaluru post launch based upon the availability.
(For more details please feel to check Pricing.)
copy rights/patents
We are a patent pending venture and all the rights are reserved with emunocare India including those of its associates /subsidiaries/wholly owned partners. We take the violation/misuse/reproduction/misrepresentation and copying seriously and will not hesitate to take a strict legal action against the violators.
For a detailed description on various plans available please check our pricing policy. However kindly note that the plans are subject to change and will be updated frequently.
The refund is not applicable as the offerings are digital with a couple of exceptions like cancellation from emunocare India, its partners, associates and affiliates as per the policy.
emuno registration
What is emuno registration?
Its a simple registration process along with a nominal fee (also referred as registration fee) to be paid once in a year. ( annually) It's minimal and does help us to provide a smooth and uninterrupted services to the users.
Is registration fee same as the Price of the service or product?
No! Both are different. Registration fee is a nominal fee charged by us that offers a host of benefits to the users. We strongly recommend you to get registered for a smooth delivery of the services. we Have listed out the uses under Benefits
Do i Need to pay it Separately?
No! its pre included in every plan that is offered.
Why should i pay the registration fee? what is the use ?
Please find below the magic a nominal fee does!
- Easy access to emuno health and the specialists.
- Priority support while availing the services offered by our trusted partners.
- Instant support in resolving the issues arising due to faulty OR Delayed delivery through the partners.
- Top notch service.
data and user details
We are not in the business of data selling. Hence we do not sell, rent, barter or disclose the personal data of the users. We are committed to the security and privacy of the users under all circumstances.
We do not store physical contact information, any financial information such as credit card or bank account numbers, Shipping, billing and other information you provide while availing our services. For more information please refer to our privacy policy.
Website Security and safety
The site is safe to browse and is being scanned for any viruses, malwares, hacks and the related issues regularly. There is no need to worry about the fake , spam and breach news related to our domain in any of the search results as our site is safe, sound and secured. In case if any of the user encounters such results kindly reach out to us.
investors relations
We are overwhelmed with the interest shown by the seasonal investors in
exploring the possibilities of investments. We are speechless and
express our sincere gratitude for the love showered on to us. However we
are exploring the possibility of investments with the networks of
angels, syndicates & early stage VCs ( venture capitals) at the
moment. Please feel free to drop a mail at for
the strategic partnerships if you are one of them.
We are proud to be associated with an esteemed and elite group of organizations in order to provide you the best of services.
We are not in the business of data selling. Hence we do not sell, rent, barter or disclose the personal data of the users. We are committed to the security and privacy of the users under all circumstances. However we are neither liable nor have any control over the data shared by users to our partners in order to avail their services.
coming soon
An Artificial intelligence powered and a Data science centered technology designed exclusively to address the Immunity of consumer segment.
A data science centered and a voice based technology designed exclusively to increase the efficiency and productivity of the corporate employees.
An aviation medicine centered technology to be designed exclusively for the better health and fitness of the people who work in the aviation industry.
Because not every disease needs a medicine.
Sometimes the most effective & result oriented remedy is a holistic approach. It focuses on an overall development of the body.
Tentatively titled as AB the most ambitious product of emunocare India uses deep technology, NLP, processing and vision.
The diseases caused due to the low or over activity of the immune system. Some of the most common and well known AIDs are Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Diabetes ( Type 1), Inflammatory Bowel disease ( IBD). The team's future solutions will address AIDs including but not limited those listed along with Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease ( AD) & Parkinson's disease ( PD).
What is artificial Intelligence?
An intelligence that is not natural. In other words the intelligence that is not human and makes use of machine learning and deep (in depth) learning techniques to provide the required results to the best of accuracy.
Unveiling soon...